Upcoming event: the International Conference "Rethinking Research Assessment"

Save the date: November 14th, 2024


7/4/20242 min read

On the 14th of November, we have the pleasure of organizing the International Conference 'Rethinking Research Assessment'. This event is a collaborative effort of UEFISCDI (the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding), the OPUS (Open Universal Science - Horizon Europe) project, Science Europe, and the UNESCO Chair for Policies in Science and Innovation. The event aims to address the pressing need for innovation in research assessment, and to approach the latter topic from a three-dimensional perspective - policies for research assessment, researchers on research assessment and last but not least, organizations’ perspectives on research assessment, where we will look at different use cases.

Globally, the landscape of research assessment is undergoing significant transformations, with an increasing number of organizations, both research funding and research performing, commiting to principles that prioritize quality, transparency, and societal impact over traditional metrics, by adhering to initiatives such as CoARA, DORA and other.

In this context, we wish for this conference to serve as a platform for exchanging ideas, sharing best practices and building collaborations that will drive forward the evolution of research evaluation at different levels - national, European, and beyond.

Moreover, we expect for this event to be mainly in person and live streamed, and the agenda will be finalized in the coming weeks, when we will also disseminate it with the wider public.

Stay tuned for further news.